7 Ways to Connect with Your Higher Self

Connecting with our higher self allows us to live in alignment with our values. It’s what connects us to our intuition and guides us on the path of purpose. It calms our fears and quiets are egos, reminding us of the support and abundance all around us.

Last week in a coaching call, the concept of higher self came up. My client, who had never heard the term before,  found deep resonance with this part of her. In this remembering of her sacred guide, she was able to shed the layers that had buried her light.

After weeks of working through limiting beliefs, unhealthy boundaries, and old blocks, she finally was able to clear the way to hear the call of her higher self.

We both left the session more healed.

What is the higher self?

The higher self is your sacred spirit. It is the unconditional love and creativity that is at the core of who you are. The higher self is cosmic energy - the energy that links you to everyone and everything. And through that divine higher consciousness, you are able to access universal wisdom from within.

It is your intuition, your consciousness, your love, your creative expression, and your service.

But years and layers of conditioning, belief systems, wounding, fear, and self-protection have made it hard to stay in connection with this pure authentic part of yourself. In your fight for survival, you have lost your way.

Fear not, divine one. Your higher self is always with you, desiring to connect you to love and truth. And when we learn how to access and channel that light, it becomes possible to step into the abundance that is inherently ours.

7 Ways to Connect with your Higher Self

Connecting with our higher self allows us to live in alignment with our values. It’s what connects us to our intuition and guides us on the path of purpose. It calms our fears and quiets are egos, reminding us of the support and abundance all around us.

When we open up the channel to connect with our higher selves, we are welcoming expansion, growth, and healing into our life.

1. Meditation and Stillness

The purpose of meditation is to quiet the monkey mind and return to our most inner authentic self - the part of us that is connected to cosmic love, higher power, and inner wisdom (intuition).

When we are able to find absolute stillness and presence, we are able to pause the chatter, see past our fears and ruminating thoughts, and return to the sacred seat of our awareness - that inner self that illuminates the way.

The right way to meditate is the way that works for you. Some different types of meditation include:

  • Vipassana

  • Lovingkindness

  • Visualization

  • Guided

  • Chanting

Read more about the different types of meditation to find a practice that works for you.

2. Get out in Nature

We are connected to every living thing on this planet through Mother Earth. Returning to our great mother - the source of all life as we know it - is a powerful way to access our highest self.

In modern day life, we can be so disconnected from our roots that we do not realize that everything we need to survive and thrive as conscious and evolving living beings comes from nature, always available to us. Returning home to this knowing is one of the quickest ways to access your higher self.

No matter where you live, here are some effective ways to return to your roots:

  • Take a barefooted walk outside

  • Sit in a body of water

  • Lay on the grass

  • Soak in the sun

  • Plant and tend to a backyard garden

3. Embodiment Practices

We forget that we are spirits choosing to have a human experience. And sadly, rather than experiencing the simple joys and pleasures of being in a human body, we live from the neck up (in our heads). This means we miss out on the many pleasurable embodied experiences like enjoying a good meal, moving our body in dance, or connecting with a partner intimately.

Returning to our bodies is one of the most profound spiritual experiences and a powerful way to connect with our higher selves. It is the integration of mind, body, and spirit that allows us to be fully connected to life.

Embodiment practices can be practiced throughout the day and include:

  • Savor a meal

  • Yoga

  • Walking

  • Breathwork (or simple breath awareness)

  • Ecstatic Dance

4. Live Your Purpose

We are all here for a divine purpose, our dharma. We came to earth to learn a lesson, offer a service, and bring healing to ourselves and those around us. Sadly, for so many of us, our purpose gets lost in a culture that celebrates productivity and individuality over alignment and community.

Connecting with our purpose is remembering who we came here to be. Purpose doesn’t have to be the way you make money. It is about finding your joy and living it from the inside out.

If you have been searching for purpose, dharma coaching or alignment coaching is a powerful investment that can help you rediscover your divine meaning and live in alignment.

5. Conscious Connections

We are designed for connection, living in a culture that doesn’t celebrate community. Our systems in place fragment us, celebrating individual growth and making survival a competition. When our very survival feels threatened, ego and fear run our lives, creating separation from our higher self which longs to connect with others.

Authentically and vulnerably connecting to another is a divine experience. It returns us to love - the essence of who we are - and reminds us that we are supported by the universal energy that connects us all.

Here are a few ways to bring more consciousness into your connections:

  • Remove distractions (phone/tv)

  • Connect in sobriety

  • Practice listening without responding

  • Slow down conversations by welcoming in pause

  • Ask heartfelt questions

6. Pause/Self Reflection

We are so busy that we rarely take time to pause and reflect on what is happening around us and within us. We consume information and conversations without integrating these experiences. Our inner wisdom gets buried by distractions to the point where we no longer have sovereignty over our experiences.

Integrating our experiences is how we grow and evolve. It is how we find lessons and meaning in life. We desire to grow just like everything else in nature. By surrendering to the natural cycle and taking those seasons of pause, we choose to be in nature’s rhythm, connecting us with our essence.

Here are a few ways to add pause to your life:

  • Journal

  • Stillness without distractions

  • Retreats and workshops

  • Therapy or coaching

7. Self Love

Have you ever stopped and listened to the way you talk to yourself? We say things to ourselves that we would never say to a friend or family member. When we berate, judge, or shame ourselves, we are clouding the very light of love that wishes to shine through.

The love we are able to offer others will mirror the love we have for ourselves. We can’t truly love others if we haven’t learned how to love ourselves first. Our higher self is love and so finding that love is finding our higher self.

Loving yourself can be done in so many ways.

For more ideas on how to love yourself, check out these 33 self love tips.

Want help finding your higher self?

The higher self is our guide in the darkness. It is the light carrier, offering love and connection. In our healing work, our higher self is there to guide the way.

Are you ready for more support? Contact me about my coaching programs.


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