The Four Doorways of Belonging

A 12-Week Women’s Group Program, Integrating Sacred Circle Gatherings and Psilocybin Ceremony.  

What is Belonging?

For centuries, women have borne the burden of mistrust, shame, and separation, limiting our ability to heal. We've been conditioned to distrust not only each other but also our intuition - the innate wisdom residing within our bodies.

Our strength lies in our inherent sense of Belonging - to ourselves, to one another, and to the nurturing embrace of Mother Earth. Yet, when this connection is severed, women’s power is diminished, leaving a void that resonates not only within our spirits but reverberates throughout the very heart of the Earth.

It is within the sacred circle of Sisterhood that our voices amplify, our strengths intertwine, and our spirits soar. Thus, we gather — not just to reclaim what has been lost but to forge new bonds of solidarity and to heal the wounds of division that have plagued us for generations.

To Belong is to come home, a return to the magic woven within the very fabric of our being, a reconnection with the primal rhythms of the earth that pulse within our souls.

Doorway One: Self

This 12-week program focuses on returning home to the Self through the body.

Over our 12 weeks together, you will delve into topics such as body shame and rejection, disembodiment, and dissociation. As you peel back the layers, you will unpack the stories, and confront the impact of society's messages on women and their bodies, addressing the issues that initially led you to abandon yourself.

In a closed container of women, you are held in a safe space to witness and be witnessed as you confront one of our biggest struggles: the relationship with the body.

During an inward psilocybn journey, you begin to shed the layers of protection and expand into your body awareness. This offers you the opportunity to heal ancestral and cultural wounds, releasing toxic stories and limiting beliefs that no longer serve you so that you can come back home to your body in safety with gratitude.

Through an embodiment workshop, you begin to integrate this work by reigniting your connection to your body, fostering a relationship grounded in love and commitment.

As you move through this portal, you come out on the other side with deeper awareness and gratitude for your body as well as tools and strategies for continuing the work beyond this program.

Month One: Initiation & Preparation

Sacred Circle One: We kick off with a 2-hour workshop providing an opportunity to initiate the growth of the bonds shared within the circle. This gathering enables participants to forge connections and delve into their Sacred Why. Following this, we acknowledge the broken relationships we have with our bodies through an organized Emotathon, which serves as a safe container for welcoming the expression and release of all emotions. Through being witnessed and witnessing their fellow sisters, profound healing begins.

Sacred Circle Two: To help prepare you for the psilocybin journey ahead, we hold a 90-minute group prep call. It's an opportunity to set intentions and expectations, receive expert guidance, and address any questions and concerns. This call will be held on Zoom and recorded for anyone who cannot attend live.

Month Two: Psilocybin Journey

Sacred Circle Three: We come together for a 5-hour group psilocybin ceremony. During an inward medicine journey, you continue to peel away the layers of defense and deepen your connection with your body. This process encourages you to release harmful narratives and restrictive beliefs so that you may reclaim a sense of safety within your body. Led by state-licensed facilitators, you are held in a safe container, encouraging you to delve deep into the layers of the subconscious and allowing you to gain insight into the healing work ahead.

Sacred Circle Four: Following the psilocybin ceremony, we hold an initial 90-minute integration call. This first integration call allows the group to begin dissecting the experience and understanding their integration work ahead. This call will be held on Zoom and recorded for anyone who cannot attend live.

Month Three: Integration & Closing Circle

Sacred Circle Five: To deepen the integration work, we offer a 2-hour embodiment & integration workshop. This workshop is crafted to assist you in embodying the lessons uncovered throughout the previous sessions, empowering you to implement these insights in your daily life for lasting transformation. You will be given tools and strategies to move forward into an embodied existence with more love and compassion.

Sacred Circle Six: We then close the circle with gratitude and connection, providing you with what you need to continue healing and offering you the opportunity to continue through to the next Doorway of Belonging. This call will be held on Zoom.

The Format & Schedule

Throughout this program, we gather together in Sacred Circle every other week for a total of 6 gatherings. Circles are a blend of online and in-person. Most gatherings will be held on Thursday evenings, except the psilocybin journey which will be an all-day ceremony. While it’s not required for you to participate in every Sacred Circle, please reach out to us directly if you have scheduling conflicts.

Beta Launch Price

One Payment: $999

Included in Your Investment

  • 12-Month Membership: Gain access to Immersive Therapies for an entire year. This includes the cost of all medical screenings required for events hosted at Immersive Therapies.

  • Initiation and Emotathon Workshop: Dive into a transformative 2-hour opening workshop designed to deepen connections within the circle, nurturing safety for the program ahead.

  • 5-Hour Group Psilocybin Journey: Immerse yourself in the powerful energy of a group medicine ceremony guided by licensed facilitators. Hosted in Portland, Oregon, these intimate group sessions offer innovative and supported healing experiences within the safe and legal framework of Measure 109. Each psilocybin session includes:

    • Health and safety screening

    • (1) Group Zoom Preparation Call for mindset and intention setting (90 minutes)

    • (1) Group Zoom Integration Call for initial reflection and integration (90 minutes)

    • 25-35 milligrams of psilocybin mushrooms

    • 2 trained and state-licensed psilocybin facilitators

    • A peaceful group space with individual sanctuaries for solo work

  • Embodiment Workshop - Weave the lessons learned from the program’s curriculum and psilocybin journey into your life through this 2-hour embodiment workshop.

  • Closing Circle - A final 90-minute gathering to close the sacred container and prepare you for the next stage of your growth journey.

  • Pod Group: Forge meaningful connections within an intimate cohort of 6-10 women, maintaining consistency throughout the 12-week program with the option to continue together through the program.

  • Book Club: Engage in insightful discussions and personal growth with a curated book aligned with the program's pillars, supplemented with additional journal prompts. Women are encouraged to gather separately to discuss the books together.

  • Private Signal Group: Strengthen connections and receive ongoing support and guidance whenever needed throughout the program.

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Within each woman lives profound magic—a magic that holds the potential for healing both our people and the planet.

Throughout history, this very magic has been the source of fear, leading to the diminishment and isolation of women. Collectively disempowered, fragmented, and even shamed to the point of rejecting our own bodies, we've endured a legacy of separation from ourselves, each other, and the Great Mother, Gaia.

The time has come for women to reclaim their inherent magic.

We are being called to return to the sanctuary of our truest selves, to embrace our authentic essence, and to rewrite the stories that have confined us.

It's a time for healing,
a time for transformation,
and a time to return to Belonging.

"From Self to Source" is an invitation for women to journey back to their roots. From the depths of self-discovery to the embrace of the Divine Feminine, this 12 month program seeks to restore balance and heal an ailing world.

The call is resounding and unmistakable. Are you ready to answer it?