The Unearth Your Worth Project

February 20-April 21

40 calls in 60 days to help you unearth your worth
and unlock divine internal abundance

  • What would you give to embody your inherent worth and start living from a place of purpose?

About the Unearth Your Worth Project

You came to this earth for a purpose - to be the fullest expression of your sacred self. But in the struggles of life, you have lost your voice, your purpose, and your sense of worth.

There are few greater tragedies than losing oneself.

And so, the time has come to recover all that has been lost.


YOU are sovereign.
YOU are born to create.
YOU are a source of wild, uninhibited energy who longs to express yourself.

And so we dig to unearth your worth.

When you unearth your worth you begin to understand that it is not your job to save anyone but yourself.
When you unearth your worth, you connect to Gaia energy, unlocking abundance from within.
When you unearth your worth, you uncover your gifts and desire to share them freely.
When you unearth your worth, you unlock your purpose and begin living from your highest self.

It is time to awaken YOUR fierce and divine self. Join the Unearth your Worth project.

The world NEEDS YOU!

What Inspired the Project…

I spent most of my life fitting into other people’s expectations of me. Growing up in a religious home, the middle child of three girls, the messaging was everywhere. I was to keep the peace, not demand attention, and find my proper place in a supportive role. Essentially, I learned how to make myself small.

And that’s how, at 33, I ended up in a life I didn’t choose, chronically unhappy, working at a grocery store, and lacking any dreams or ambitions of my own. I was sleepwalking through life. 

Until I was forced to wake up. 

Shortly after giving birth to my second child, my husband of ten years left. With two children under three, a twelve-dollar-an-hour earning potential, and no idea who I really was, I scrambled to do the next “right” thing. A few months later I was en route to becoming a high school teacher. Not because I wanted to be a teacher but because it was the right thing to do. There was a stable job on the other side with enough free time to continue showing up for my kids the way I believed I should…at whatever cost to me.  

Diligently I went from full days of single parenting to night classes at the local college. But as I continued earning a master's degree that I didn’t want and couldn’t afford, a light deep inside me was flickering on. It was the light birthed from survival. A light that guided me out of my rock bottom, through the trauma of a toxic divorce and very real financial scarcity, finding footing on the other side. And as I continued to rebuild from that place, the flicker grew into a flame, 

I was no longer willing to play it small. I wanted to live the life I was destined to live and I was willing to risk safety and security to keep that flame alive. And so, as I was about to start my student teaching assignment, still with just a twelve-dollar-an-hour earning potential, I made the first true decision for myself in my entire life. I dropped out of grad school and asked myself, “what do I really want to do with this life?” 

The answer to my question was a desire to help others build healthy and sustainable lifestyles. With shaky underdeveloped confidence, I started a website that offered my services. My flame turned into fire as I continued to chase the life I wanted - one filled with healing and freedom of expression, built on the pillars of worth and purpose, aligned with my most authentic self. 

I had a vision and more importantly, I believed in my vision.

Within two years, I had turned a small hobby into a thriving business with 4 employees. My fire had created purpose, passion, and more freedom and financial security than I believed possible.

My circumstances woke me up.
My strength lit the path.
It was taking a risk that lead me to my dharma.

In my story of taking a risk, I found my way home. What would it take for you?

Is the Unearth Your Worth Project for you?

I am looking to connect with anyone who is ready to unearth their worth and unlock abundance. Whether you want to discover your dharma, raise your vibration, or grow your confidence, I am here for it.

Are YOU?

What Happens in our Call?

40 calls in 60 days | February 20 - April 21

During our 90 minute call we will unearth…

    • What blocks and limiting beliefs are keeping you playing small

    • Where boundaries can be supportive in raising your worth

    • What obstacles are holding you back from living your purpose

    • What becomes possible when you step into your higher self

You will leave the call with helpful resources and actionable next steps. If you want to dive deeper and we both feel like it’s the right fit, we can discuss the option to continue working together at the end of our call.

How to Join the Project

Schedule your call here and add it to your calendar. We’ll spend 90-minutes on a call, complimentary from me to you. The call will take place between February 20-April 21.

Arrive on your call in a quiet space so you’re in the perfect environment to experience a transformational conversation.

Show up for your call. Canceled or no-shows will not be invited to reschedule.

Transparency Note 

Projects like this are how I connect with my ideal coaching clients and fill my limited coaching spots. These calls are not sales consults. They are genuine spaces of connection, vulnerability, and growth.

If coaching together seems like the right next step, we can talk about working together at the end of the call. If it’s not a fit or simply not the right time, I will offer you action steps and resources that support you where you are. 

What People Are Saying…