What is Embodiment Coaching?
Have you been hearing the word “embodiment” or “embodiment coach” and asking yourself what that means? Here’s a closer look at what to expect when working with an embodiment life coach and 3 reasons why you might want to hire one.
Most of us live from the neck up.
In other words, we exist in our minds. Yes, we have human bodies but how well do we really inhabit them?
When was the last time you felt your feet touch the earth?
Or savored a meal with absolute focus?
Or felt gratitude for your breath that moves through you?
When we fail to be present to our bodies, we fail to be in the present moment.
In our minds, we are either consumed with the past or the future, disconnecting from our body, from the moment, and essentially, from life itself. We live this way day after day and as the saying goes, “how we spend our days is how we spend our lives”. I can think of no bigger reason to have regret at the end than feeling like I missed the whole damn thing.
What is an Embodiment Coach?
In the past few years, the terms “embodiment” and “embodiment coach” have become hot topics. As we learn more about the body and how it stores EVERYTHING, from intrinsic memory to trauma to healing and harmful energies, we are getting a better sense of how we must work with our bodies to release what is bad and welcome in what is good.
An embodiment coach is trained to do just that! This personal life coach will support you in your quest to live more consciously in the body. Together you will create goals and strategize how to reach them, create physical baseline systems that foster health, help you regain the wisdom inside your body, and integrate all of these practices into a mind, body, spirit approach.
What is Mind, Body, Spirit Integration?
In my Embodiment Coaching Program, I work specifically with women who want to integrate mind, body, and spirit. I believe that not until we bring all parts of ourselves online, can we level up and become our most powerful, spiritual, compassionate selves.
Integration happens in three stages.
Body - In order to exist comfortably in our bodies, we must take good care of them. As an embodiment life coach, I start from the ground up. Together we strategize to strengthen your physical systems so that you are well nourished, well rested, well hydrated, and well exercised. It is only when we make friends with our body, that we will feel it is safe to return to them. In other words, in order to be present, we must connect in a friendly way with our bodies. Once that trust is established, we can turn our focus to embodiment practices like breathwork, yoga, dance, and other types of movement.
Mind - They say that a mind makes a wonderful servant and a terrible master so our work becomes training the mind so that it can work for us without controlling us. Mind training comes in many forms such as meditation, journaling, gratitude, positive thinking, and focused thinking. Have you heard of the law of attraction? Where we put our energy, we will go. In other words, the more we stress, the more stress will come to us. Do you have a goal to level up spiritually, professionally, or relationally? Put your focus on your goal and you future will be fruitful.
Spirit - At our core, we are spirit. We are meant to be in community with earth, with others, and with our inner knowing. The way we live breaks all of these sacred connections. We abuse the earth, use others, and live disconnected from people, nature, and our bodies. This puts us out of touch with our spirit and is the cause of all dis-ease. Relearning how to connect with the self and others allows us to reconnect with our spirit. This is the result when embodiment and mindfulness come together. Our spirit becomes alive, our body becomes safe, and our minds release control so that we can return to living in a powerful and joyful way.
“We are not human beings having a spiritual experience. We are spiritual beings having a human experience.”
My embodiment journey is far from over. Some days I am still stuck in my head, fretting over everything and trying to solve unsolvable problems that I’ve created for myself. I lay my head on the pillow at night and I think, “What just happened to that day?” Yet, other days (and this is happening more and more) I feel so closely connected to my body and the present moment, that I will be moved to tear by a beautiful sunrise or the first blossoms of the cherry tree. My connections feel deep and genuine, my circumstances feel insignificant to my internal compass, I trust in the abundance of the universe, and I live with a deep gratitude for life.
Learn more about Embodied Life Coaching for women.